Saturday, 12 March 2011

Cupcake Heaven

Hey Guys!
I did a lovely batch of assorted cupcakes yesterday, consisting of Classic Victoria's
Zesty Lemon Meringue!
Ginger Cake, with an Orange Buttercream, (And not forgetting the more important bit..Glitter! :D)
I also did a Chocolate Orange Bomb, but didn't manage to get a snapshot!
The cupcakes seemed to go down a treat, and I was told lasted a whole 30 seconds due to their morishnessss! :-)

Next week I have the biggest order I will ever have in a weekend, and I can't wait for the challenge! I have two huge cakes, for some pretty big milestones in Birthday terms, and a house party where I will be giving a little presentation (eep!) and hopefully selling a few of my cupcakes :-)!

catch ya laters
Kat xxxx

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